Find Your Friendlier Dentist in Bristol
You’ll find us on Lodge Causeway opposite Heathcote Road. Call us now, or request your appointment using the form on the right. Or to book a hygienist appointment as a new or existing patient, please click the link below
Lodge Causeway Dental Centre
0117 9586878
352 - 354 Lodge Causeway, Fishponds, Bristol BS16 3PL
Nearest railway station:
Church Road, Barton Hill – 2.3 miles (3.7km)
Plenty of onsite parking in front of the practice
Opening hours:
Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm
Call today
0117 9586 878
We’d love to treat you and your family. To book an appointment please call us or complete the form below.

Happy OR Not Happy?
If you are happy with your treatment and the service you have received at Lodge Causeway and would recommend us to your friends and family then please let everyone know by leaving a review on NHS Choices and Google reviews
If there was any aspect of your treatment or care that meant you left without a smile on your face, we would like to know so we can try and resolve that for you. In the first instance please contact management on 01179 58 68 78. If we are unable to resolve your dissatisfaction then you can get support with making a complaint from the NHS Complaints Advocate by calling 0117 2690400
If you are not happy with the response you receive from us you are entitled to raise this verbally or in writing with the Health Service Ombudsman on 0345 015 4033 or at
If you would rather not contact the practice directly, then you can contact NHS Bristol, North Somerset And South Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board directly by emailing
For private dental services - the Dental Complaints Service please call 08456 120 540 or visit:
Patients can also call the British Dental Health Foundation helpline for further support: 0845 063 1188